Photo Gallery


Frances & Fairies

Taken by Elsie in July of 1917. Most reproduced photo.

Elsie & Fairy

Flying fairy photo taken by Frances.

Elsie & Fairy

Fairy offers a Harebell flower to Elsie.

Elsie & Gnome

Photo taken by Francies in September of 1917.

Fairy Sunbath

Both girls claim they took this picture. It has been determined that the photo is double exposed.


Original cameras used to take the fairy photos. On display at the Cottingley Town Hall.

Midg Camera

This is the type of camera used to take some of the pictures of the fairies.

Frances' Grave

Scholemoor Cemetery.


Painting by Elsie Wright


"Where Fairytales Begin" by Shirley A. Thompson

The Beck

The place where Elsie and Frances claimed they played with fairies.

The Beck

The Beck was 70 ft. behind the garden at Elsie Wright's home.